Happy Birthday Sweetcorn Poo Greeting Card


‘Happy Birthday You Wonderful Sweetcorn Poo!’


You receive –

1 x A6 Card on 350gsm Recycled Card
1 x Kraft Envelope
1 x Compostable Cello Bag & Compost Sticker



Who doesn’t love a great sweetcorn poo?! Poop is always funny! Happy Birthday You Wonderful Sweetcorn Poo

Greeting Card Recycled Car Humour Cards Quirky Poop Design

Printed on recycled card with eco inks and packaged in compostable cello bags and degradable stickers – we’re as eco-friendly as we can be, with the exception of sending you last years used second-hand cards!

Posting directly to someone special? We can write and sign a note in the card for you! Send us a message following your purchase and we’ll write it out.

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